Having played my shooty Shade Bearers a lot lately in tournaments I discovered that bringing three times the fire power of an opponent does not matter at all if you get you face bashed in by necrons in close combat. The gentle reader might now think: "Necrons? Close combat? Surely you jest! Only scarabs are worth mentioning."
Well, tell you what: Ward's "elite shooty army"™ is not good at shooting or does always glance on 6/more hits with DS- count as elite now? Rest is overcosted and unreliable. Someone tell the guy to read his codex. The really reliable things only work in close combat. Command barge warscythe lords (always hit on 3+, pick target on a 6?), entropic strikes, mindshackle scarabs on lords, wraiths with whipcoils,...
So this time I don't shoot, I smash face. ;)
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Emperor's Champion
- Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds
- - - > 140 points
*************** 3 Elites ***************
5 Terminator Assault Squad
- 3 x lightning claw
- 2 x thunder hammer & storm shield
- Furious Charge
- - - > 215 points
5 Terminator Assault Squad
- 5 x thunder hammer & storm shield
- - - > 200 points
- Venerable
- Tank Hunter
- missile launcher
- twin-linked lascanon
- extra armor
- - - > 165 points
*************** 3 Troops ***************
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
- 1 x bolter
+ Rhino
- - - > 150 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x bolter
+ Rhino
- - - > 140 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x bolter
+ Rhino
- - - > 140 points
*************** 1 Fast attack***************
Land Speeder
- multimelta
- heavy flamer
- - - > 75 points
*************** 2 Support ***************
Land Raider Crusader
- - - > 265 points
Land Raider Crusader
- - - > 265 points
Markus "Maxamato" Juran
Army: Space Marines
List: Librarian with nullzone and gate, 5 Terminators with assaultcannon, 2x Dakkadread, 3x five man tactical squad with combi-plasma in razorback with twinlinked lascannon, 2 multimelta trikes, 1 typhoon landspeeder with multimelta, 1 landspeeder with heavy flamer and multimelter, vindicator with siegeshield, 1 predator with autocannon and lascannons, 1 predator with twinlinked lascannon and heavy bolters
Mission: Table quarters
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
He put up his gunline and I deployed to drive my land raiders straight at him. His meltas couldn't stop them and I literally hammer his resistance down. On round 4 he has nothing left, that could threaten me and he conceded. Or at least he would have if I didn't talk him out of it over a smoke.... So, e got to kill another terminator to bring them below half strength and I don't get full battlepoints.
Battlepoints 9:1
Jan "Cannonfodder" Peters
Army: Necrons
List: Anrakyr, Court with lord, warscythe, mindshacke scarabs, regenerationsphere, cryptek with solarpulse, 2x triarch stalker with particle shredder, 1x 10 immortals with blasters, 3x 8 warriors, 2x 8 scarabs, 1x 7 scarabs, 1x 2 spyders, monolith
Mission: 1 objective each
Deployment: Pitched battle
First turn: me
We deploy our objectives on one side exactly opposite of each other. I set up to rush at him and then pretty much did exactly that. Anrakyr let one land raider fire at the other but missed, his gauss troops are behind cover and could not target the land raiders, so the next round I charged him with terminators and the champion cut Anrakyr down. The terminators then waded through his troops and I slowly smashed every resistance. Also, scarabs are no match for crusader squads! Or is it the other way around? Still, five marines kept 9 scarab bases busy for 4 rounds before getting boltered to death. They still got pretty far to my objective, but wiping them out ended every danger of loosing my objective.
Battlepoints 8:2
Army: Necrons
List: Overlord with warscythe and command barge, cryptek with solarpulse, destroyer lord with regeneration sphere 1x 5 triarch praetorians with voidblades, 2x warriors, 6 wraiths with 1x whipcoils, 4 scarab bases, 4 destroyers, 2x monolith, 1x 2 spyders with 1 fabricator claw
Mission: victorypoints
Deployment: Dawn of War
First turn: him
You might remember him from my last battle report ;)
Well, killing everything is easy enough.... not.
Terminators vs. Wraiths: Terminators were killed without killing a single wraith.
Destroyer Lord with praetorians vs. Champion and Terminators: Lord stood up five times on a 6.
Terminators vs. scarabs: Terminators got killed.
Land speeder vs. command barge: Meltafail and gets swoopattacked and wrecked by the lord who then goes on to fight it out with my dreadnought for 5 rounds without a winner.
The funny part is, I didn't get shot that much. It was mostly close combat that got me, so the thing I want to do. WTF?
Game gets down to "You hit me, but I don't care, because that's how I roll!" and my marines don't simply get up again.
Playing for killpoints instead of victorypoints didn't help me either. ;)
Battlepoints 4:6
Armin "Lediatan" Stübinger
Army: Chaos Space Marines
List: Demonprince with mark of Tzeentch and warptime, 1x 10 Chaos Space Marines, icon of chaos glory, plasmagun and lascannonand Champion with powerfist, 1x 10 Chaos Space Marines, icon of chaos glory, plasmagun and lascannon, 1x 10 Thousand Sons with bolt of Tzeentch, 1x 9 Thousand Sons with bolt of Tzeentch, 2x 3 obliterators, 1x 2 obliterator
Mission: 5 objectives
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: Him
Yay, Chaos! And no rhinos!
I get 3 objectives and deploy them so I can capture them and still get cover for my rhinos. I deployed as forward as possible to get to him as fast as possible and he put his obliterators on the third floor of a building. His troops stay on the floor to block me from getting trough and claim his objectives. Well, 8 lascannons don't stop land raiders, although one get stunned. So I push forward, kill his demonprince with missiles and multimeltas and multicharge his first line of troops slaughtering most of them and staying in combat. We then hit us some more and I whittle him down until he has just some thousand sons and I think one obliterator left.
Battlepoints : 8:2
Heinz "McGurk" Tschig
Army: Orks List: 2x warboss with bike, powerclaw and cybork, 1x 30 ork boyz with boss, bosspole, powerclaw, 2x 9 bossbikaz with the obvious crap ;P
Mission: Get into opponents deployment zone and keep more points than him there
Deployment: Pitched battle
First turn: me
We both had fast armies, he had more resilience, I got more long range guns. So what to do?
The idea was to hit one bikermob from range, then hit it with terminators and hopefully kill enough to win with points. So, how did that go?
Naturally we both didn't deploy anything and then made way to the other table edge without getting hit by the other. More or less. I still manage to kill a few bikers and get the charge with one terminator squad in.
The warboss could not consolidate into combat, so he didn't get to fight with his whole squad. Everything was well, I just needed to kill 3 nobbikers to not draw the game. No problem with furious charge terminators with reroll on everything on 6 nobs when 3 just have one wound?
12 Attacks do 2 wounds who are then saved on fives, thunder hammers then kill two nobs and didn't kill another one in the next round. Well, draw because of one wound.
Battlepoints : 5:5
Templars still work. ;)
And didn't win the tournament because of one point. (Ok, "win". Battlepoints would have been a draw and I had much more victorypoints.)
So things to do:
- Remember to make photos. Uh...
- Let my opponents concede it the want. Ok, to be fair that conceding always brings problems because no one ever makes rules for that. But it's still the one point... ;D
- Get better dice. Done.
- DESTROY GRISI'S DICE. In progress. xD